JB Articles

Competitor Link Analysis and Link Hubs

Competitor Link Analysis

We consistently find the most useful metric of social link authority to be ‘Linking C Blocks.’ This is the total number of class C IP blocks linking across the entire domain, where Class C is analogous to an area code in a phone number. This is a good joint measure of link reach and variance.

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Page Title & Tag

Keyword rich, user-focused landing pages are the foundation of good onsite SEO. Aside from body text, there are a few specific on-page ranking factors that are strong ranking factors.

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Copywriting for SEO Success

As the bulk of the written content on your site, well written, informative copy text is the key to SEO success. Not only does it allow search engines to gain a much deeper understanding of what the page and the overall site are about and provide crucial backup for the descriptive keywords used in page titles and headings, but it also opens up the rich potential of long-tail traffic. 

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Why Split Test?

At the top line, we test because It makes more money for your business. Period. 

We are all wrong more often than we think. Especially people that don’t think they are wrong –  are more often than they think. 

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What is Split Testing?

Split testing has been around a lot longer than websites. The first example of a split test experiment we’ve found was actually pirates (or Dr. James Lind, but it’s cooler if you say pirates) putting limes into the rum on some ships and not on others, so see whether the lime helped prevent scurvy or not. 

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