JB Articles

Iterative SEO Improvement

We often find that clients have covered some but not all of the preceding points. If you’re feeling stuck about what to do next, having done some work, the list below may be a helpful checklist. In general, we tend to work from top to bottom on the list below (i.e. lower hanging fruit tends to be on the top of this list).

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Inbound Links for SEO Success

The quality of inbound links is vital to SEO success when it comes to ranking for competitive keywords. In many cases our links also drive traffic to client sites and feed positive online reputation as well as improving rankings in search. We’re firm believers that every link we build should be one that will be used by human beings as well as search engines. 

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Social Media Advertising

In most cases media buying on social media platforms is more like display advertising than search – you are advertising in the hope of catching the attention of an interested party in the course of general browsing rather than showing your ads at exactly the moment the user is engaged in a search for your product or service. 

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Local & International SEO

Depending on your business focus, you might be looking to attract customers from the local area, your state, nationwide, or internationally. Whatever your geographical range, there are things you can do to help search engines understand where the target audience for a particular page or site are. 

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Demographic Data

What it is

If you let it, Google Analytics will display additional data tying site visitors to data it has already collected (or inferred) about them for advertising purposes, such as age, gender, and interests. This is called Demographic Data collection. 

Why it matters

Knowing your users is vital. With demographic data we can see not just what the age and gender breakdown of your users is, but also if any category is being under-served. 

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Google Analytics: Hostname Prepends

What is a Hostname Prepend?

Hostname prepend places the host name (e.g. yoursite.com) in front of the page name (e.g. /about) when making a URI request (i.e. requesting a page from a website) so that it is captured in the analytics.

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Cross Domain Tracking

In many cases, the user journey involves more than one domain or multiple subdomains. For example, booking and payment actions often happen on a subdomain. Therefore, getting uninterrupted tracking of the whole user journey may take a little extra work on our part.  

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Business Strategy in Digital Marketing

Strategy First

In truth, digital strategy is both art and science. While there seems to be a wide ranging misperception that “optimization” in digital market is more like a technical science than a creative discipline, we find that both halves are needed. To do digital strategy right you need to combine elements of branding, business intelligence, technical savvy and design excellence. Drop any one of those, and your strategy will be off. 

Before diving into the detailed and wide ranging work we undertake, like data analytics, SEO, and using paid media to drive business results, a foundation must be built.  Before anything else we need to know the answer to a core strategic question: — What are we optimizing for?

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3 Ways B2B Web Marketing Is Different

In a lot of ways B2B web marketing is the same as B2C. To get and benefit from high quality traffic, you’ll still need the basics:

* Clean code, mobile friendly responsive design, and fast load times
* Optimized page titles, tags, and text
* Well-written content that provides value to the reader
* Clear navigation and good user experience.

But understanding the differences between B2C and B2B can translate into big financial payoffs.

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A Faster Site Leads to Higher Search Ranks, More Conversions

When browsing the internet, we all want the websites we use to load immediately. We love websites that appear in a snap and respond as if they are reading our minds. On the flip side, we have no patience for laggy, bloated pages with long delays.

However, businesses updating their websites rarely prioritize improving the speed of their site by decreasing page load times.

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