Developing Robust Analytics for Your Organization

by Brian Toomey, JB Analytics CEO

We all swim in a large sea of data. But there can be a big difference between data – raw numbers on a page or stuck in the depths of Google Analytics, server logs, or out there in the ether somewhere – and actionable information. We have two main jobs in this area.

First, to make sure that you have the numbers you need to inform decision-making at all levels from the selection of advertising text to which new countries to expand into. This might mean setting up additional data collection, supplying research data from third party sources, and/or making sure the figures you rely on are as accurate as possible. 

Second, it’s imperative to bridge the gap between data and information. Sometimes this is about answering specific questions, and other times it can be in the preparation of automated reporting your staff can use to access real and actionable insights quickly, easily, and with stress.

To fulfill both jobs requires first building or auditing an existing data pipeline. Without a clear, well-organized setup for gathering reliable, relevant data, decision making downstream becomes problematic and runs the risk of being ill-informed if not outright misguided. Based on a clear strategic direction (step 1), an analytics system can be set up that helps inform decision making and strategic direction.

In the following articles we’ll provide what we think are the core elements and considerations for creating a robust data ecosystems that empowers decision makers.


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